It’s the little things.
Hope this finds you happy and healthy!
The year 2020 has taught us many things. In my estimation, one of the biggest lessons is to value the little things life has to offer. Let me give you some examples of the little things to enjoy here in western North Carolina.
I drove out a road near my home, and this could be most any road in our mountains, just taking a drive to clear my head and be blessed by and reminded of some of the reasons to live here. What I observed was the farm that has the honor system for selling eggs out by the road. That’s this winter and in the summer I remember its produce on the honor system. The small waterfall that is running strong but will be hidden by the summer foliage, the shed painted like the American flag up on the hill. Also the old man walking his future garden and he was obviously contemplating what to plant this year. I saw the goats, horses, and donkeys lounging in the fields as I passed by on my way to nowhere. The dogs that are street wise, ran from the vehicle, to live another day and bark at me as I continued on my way. I saw numerous flocks of robins and the occasional hawk or maybe a golden eagle on the wing. I took in glimpses of the lake and many farms and a home with the original homestead still on the property but now unused. I saw signs for small family cemeteries on the side of the mountain. The gravesite that took someone’s small planting of corn this fall, for Mr. Farmer (actually his name) to be laid to rest. Everywhere I look is someone’s story, someone’s life playing out, someone’s history being told in old buildings and new home sites. There’s joy in a walk or drive with loved ones and friends.
The winter in our mountains offer so many different adventures and observations, different than the warmth of the summer months with the lush greenery hiding some of these gems I observed today. Right now you can spot that small running waterfall off the edge of the road and track the robins as they go from eating the holly berries to the creek to bathe. Who knew we had so many robins at this time of year! Those old cabins and out buildings are visible along with boulders and rock ledges. So much to see and appreciate in this lifestyle if you only take time to look. Life can be a bit slower in our mountains if you take the time to hear the streams and creeks, smell the fresh dirt, and hear the birds sing.
You don’t need entertainment (although we do have that here in town) to be entertained in our mountains, you only have to slow down and look and listen.
Please visit my website at Your Mountain Dreams to see what’s new and what’s available. Or contact me on my cell phone at 828-361-3952
